Track your daily budget and get statistics to improve your wealth.



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Tools & Technologies

  • Django.
    • Crispy Tailwind.
  • Selenium Web Driver.
  • TailwindCSS.


  • Display the current connected devices.
  • Save any connected devices in the SQLite Database.
  • Display all the MAC addresses, connected and non connected.
  • Add Device information and device type with description for every MAC address.

Project Overview

This app allow you to check the current devices from TP-Link router, It is scrape the data from the router gateway address.

This app can not deploy online, because it won't be accessible outside your LAN (you can add a rule in the router to allow the server IP to access the router interface via public IP, but it's not recommended at all for security reasons). Instead, you can deploy it on a local Linux server.

Using this on a local Linux server allows you to use more upcoming features because Linux allows you to get deep into the Network layer which means more power.


This works just on specific versions of TP-Link routers, this will get more features later.